Transparent TV

April 15, 2014 / Categories: Cool Products, General Blog Information

The transparent tv designed by Michael Friebe is a marvelous piece of technology that combines conventional LCD and the latest TOLED display technology. This allows to create non-transparent / solid moving pictures with rich color reproduction and full contrast range from solid black to pristine white. Michael Friebe has gone beyond a mere concept, however, with a vision for how it would work – technology combining LCD and TOLED displays, rendering the view surface effectively clear when not in use and fully colored once activated.

In a way, if it works, it is the inevitable next step for this ubiquitous invention – and perhaps for computers and other electronic devices as well. Already we have made them nearly as small as they can be, so blending them even more into our home environments simply makes sense. The catch, of course, is that making this another touch-screen device might put a splotchy damper on that beautiful glassy finish.